Cosmetic Microcurrent

What is Microcurrent?

Microcurrent is naturally generated in the body to produce the energy required for muscle movement and nerve impulses. It is the body’s own electrical system that provides the voltage for ionic exchanges across the cell membranes allowing for cell functions including the intake of nutrients from the blood, removal of cellular waste and movement of impulses along nerve pathways. The harmonious flow of these tiny electrical signals is also essential for healthy cell function and cell-to-cell communication. In the event of injury or disease there is signal disruption that obstructs the pathways of intercellular communication.

Cells are analogous to miniature batteries and electrical generators. They conduct electricity, create electrical fields, and are powered by a very low level of electrical voltage known as microcurrents. A unique bi-polar membrane surrounds each cell and serves as medium that separates inter cellular and extracellular fluids. Embedded in this membrane are channels that allow for communications in and out of the cell. The opening and closing of these channels are carefully regulated in order to influence cell function under normal and pathological conditions. Single molecules or complexes of molecules within the channels allow for the passage of positively and negatively charged atoms (ions) such as sodium, potassium, chloride and calcium. The voltage difference in electrical potential across cell membranes is called membrane potential (Cooper, Hausman, Ch 13). Membrane potential arises from the interaction of ion channels and ion pumps that are embedded in the membrane, which maintain different ion concentrations on the inter cellular and extracellular sides of a cell membrane.

Discovery of ionic channels

Earlier scientific studies confirmed the existence of ion channels in biological cells. There were numerous difficulties,however, in being able to define the specific types of channels. Ionic channels are very minute and arduous to measure.These difficulties were resolved through the development of an extracellular patch clamp method 4 invented by German Nobel prizewinners, Erwin Neher and Bert Sakmann. By inserting an electrode pipette through the cell membrane, they were now able to closely study and measure the flow of ions including identifying the single channel currents in the cell membranes. This enabled them to confirm and study the regulation of ion channels that influences the life of the cell and its functions (Physiology of Medicine). Furthermore, Neher and Sakmann were able to record how a single channel molecule alters its shape to control the flow of current in and out of the cell, all within a few millionths of a second (Physiology of Medicine). Ionic channels play an important role in the generation of action potential in cells. Their revolutionary discoveries sanctioned further studies towards understanding the effect of defective ion channel regulation in the presence of disease as well as toxic substances.


Mitochondria are essential to the growth and function of all cells and accomplish a multitude of metabolic tasks. Our body has 250 different cells containing specific genes tailored to meet the requirements of each cell. There can be as many as 500 to 2000 mitochondria scattered throughout the cytoplasm of a cell. The amount is specific to the location of the cell in the body. Mitochondria are the sites for aerobic respiration and energy production and contain their own DNA. They act as storage units for energy converted from food nutrients. Chemical energy is stored as sugars, amino and fatty acids and is used for conversion into ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate). Energy is manufactured in the form of ATP through the collaborative actions of proteins located in and on the inner mitochondrion membrane that is called the electron transport chain (Naviaux, p. 3). Electrons are passed down this transport chain releasing energy at each step of the conversion process (Krebs Cycle). This complex electrochemical process is known as ATP synthesis.

New research reveals that the role of the mitochondria in health and disease is far reaching. Once defined as an energy factory, mitochondria also have specialized duties that adapt to each phase of life from embryo to old age. They are closely involved with most of the major metabolic pathways used by the cell to build, break down, and recycle of its molecular building blocks (Naviaux, p. 3). Moreover it is also these progressive metabolic changes that become significant when assessing the actual biological age of cells and the state of their health. This information cascades into evaluating the probability of optimum response when performing esthetic treatments.

The study of the cell indeed is complex but also cultivating for continual exploration in disease and optimum health. As members of the health care and beauty industry, grasping the core foundation of the physiology of cells and body systems creates new paradigms in the understanding of our technologies and how they impact our ability to perform critical thinking when selecting treatment modalities including cosmeceuticals.


Microcurrent in Esthetics

Innovative applications for microcurrent technology encompass the beauty industry for face and body sculpting. There are significant benefits when applying these external energy sources. The application of microcurrent also supports skin correction by encouraging the repair process. Damaged skin requires a program of restoration that is gradual and progressive for long-term optimum health. Microcurrent mitigates the practice of aggressive peels and thermolysis (laser) as newer research has revealed that these modalities may be adding more injury to compromised skin. Clearly all modalities of correction certainly have their place. Prior to choosing a course of treatment including product selection, the first step in skin correction is to determine the level of damage caused by sun damage, the ageing process, and other skin conditions. Microcurrent gently encourages repair of the stratum corneum, the bi-layers and dermal components to foster the skin into a healthier state. Cosmetic microcurrent is beneficial for improvement in the appearance of the skin.
✔ Aged and slackened skin.
✔ Improvement of skin texture.
✔ Fine lines and wrinkles.
✔ Reduction of acne scars.
✔ Use pre and post surgery to improve the both muscle and tissue for optimum outcome.
✔ Post surgically the application of microcurrent supports reduction of trauma, irritation, inflammation and helps foster skin healing as well as minimizing scar tissue.
✔ Muscle tightening in the abdominal area.
The effects of microcurrent are accumulative and studies have confirmed that there are significant side benefits including muscle re-education. Be aware that the results are also dependent upon lifestyle, age, health, and condition of the skin tissue. The concept that ATP can be stored is a valid reason for performing a series of sessions whereby there is a re-education process of muscle tissue. Furthermore, the low intensity of microcurrent cannot cause visible muscle contractions or marked discomfort.

The Technology – Microccurent

The use of microccurent in medicine and cosmetic improvement has been studied for more than 30 years. Stimulation with microcurrents is also called bio stimulation or bioelectric therapy because it encourages cell physiology and growth. Essentially, microcurrent is a low level of electrical current that mirrors the natural current flow of the body. It serves as a non-invasive augmentation of the body’s natural electrophysiology through frequency, polarity balancing, and homeostasis. The effects of microcurrent (electroporation) in clinical medicine has demonstrated acceleration of healing
bone tissue, wound healing, muscle rehabilitation, TMJ, tendon repairs, lymphedema, diabetes, and collagen remodeling.7.
In summary microcurrent
✔ Promotes cell metabolism and tissue repair
✔ Supports circulation – blood and lymph
✔ Reduces inflammation
✔ Diminishes lymphedema in cancer patients
✔ Helps increase mitochondria activity through increasing ATP
✔ Increase natural production of collagen and elastin
✔ Support scar repair by dispersing scar tissue and collagen remodeling
✔ Increase protein synthesis, gluconeogenesis (GNG) and membrane transport.
✔ Reeducate and rejuvenate muscle tissue
✔ Supports healing of bone8
✔ Heals skin ulcerations9,10
✔ Used in equine medicine

The Research

Reports in the research involving the application of electrical stimulus on wounded tissue have been documented since the 1830’s when Carlos Matteucci confirmed that electrical current was generated in injured tissue. During the past 30 years and with the invention of sophisticated instrumentation, scientists are able to explore and measure the effects of low level of electrical stimulation and the positive effects on tissue. The principles of microcurrent in both healing and beauty therapy applications share a commonality and consensus regarding its effects on improving the function and appearance of tissue. In wounded skin there is a specific biological pathway for repair. Referred to as current of injury,living tissue has a direct current surface electro-potential to regulate this healing process.11 Moreover intervention is critical in order to prevent further deterioration.

It is reasonable to believe that this concept holds true for ageing and damaged skin including injury to the acid mantle,stratum corneum and epidermis. There is an interruption in the biological movement of electricity that controls cell behavior for normal skin function (Wounds, UK, p 1). The ability for the skin to repair and maintain water balance, the process of epidermal differentiation, collagen synthesis, and maintaining an overall healthy appearance becomes increasingly challenged. More so this is apparent in xerosis skin (abnormal dryness). It has been confirmed that the application of low levels of microcurrent directly effects circulation (capillary density and perfusion), increased ATP, and improved fibroblast activity for collagen synthesis.

Study review

In a study with important implication for electrotherapy using microcurrent, Ngok Cheng (1982) verified the effects of electric current of changeable intensity on variables crucial to the healing process. At 500µA (microamps) the production of ATP (cell energy) increased by approximately 500%, while amino acid transport increased by 30-40% over control levels using 30 to 40 percent above the control levels using 100 to 500 µA . When microamps were increased to the milliampere range, ATP generation was depleted, amino acid uptake was reduced by 20-73 percent and protein synthesis was inhibited by as much as 50 percent. Conclusively it was suggested that the higher milliamp currents inhibit healing whereas the lower currents promote healing.12 Robert O. Becker, M.D. author of “The Body Electric”, performed pioneering research with his study of the field of regeneration and its relationship to electrical currents in living things. He made reference to comparing microcurrent to acupuncture reflecting on the system of meridians that connect all parts of the body. Furthermore, he recognized the
action of electrical currents, via the perineural cells and circulatory system.13 Robert Beck for treating AIDS, HIV and Hepatitis, Epstein-Barr and Herpes B.14,15 William Stanish, M.D., physician for the 1984 Canadian Olympic team, implanted electrodes delivering 10-20 µA of electrical current expedited the recovery of ruptured ligaments and tendons. The normal 18-month recovery period was reduced to six months.16 A 1959 study performed by L.E. Wolcott and his team applied microcurrent to various wounds using a range of 200-800 µA to the areas. The treated group showed a 200%-350% faster healing rates, with stronger tensile strength of scar tissue and antibacterial effects.17

A 2003 study performed by Emil Y. Chi, PhD at the University of Washington noted that microcurrent technology works in harmony with the body. Application of microcurrent produced a 45% increase in the number of elastin fibers in the dermis with doubling the length of the fibers. Collagen thickness in connective tissue increased by 10% and an increase in angiogenesis by 35%. The skin showed firmness and tightening.

In Summary

The future for the use of microcurrent relies on education and understanding of the cells and body systems and the benefits that are available from this innovative technology. The intended use for microcurrent in esthetics is to present a powerful and effective tool to aid in inspiring a healthy skin transition from youth to maturity.

Disclaimer & Copyright

This dossier has been prepared on behalf of Facial Sculpting, LLC as a reference that relates to microcurrent technology.In no way does it replace the advice of a medical practitioner. All views represent the research and findings of the writer in conjunction with Facial Sculpting, LLC.
© 2013 This article holds copyright and may not be reprinted, reproduced, transmitted without the express permission of the author.

Citations & References

1 Cooper, G.M., Hausman, R.E. (2009) The Cell: A molecular approach. Fifth edition. Chapter 13, ASM Press & Sinauer
Associates, Inc.
2 Haltiwanger, S., M.D., C.C.N. “The issue of electrotherapy for blood electrification and disease treatment”.
Retrieved from
3 “Physiology of Medicine 1991 – Press Release”. 27 Feb 2013 Retrieved from
4“Improved patch-clamp techniques for high-resolution current recording from cells and cell-free membrane patches”.Retrieved from
5 Naviaux, Robert , M.D., PhD “A Primary Care Physician’s Guide: The Spectrum of Mitochondria in Disease”. Univ. of
California San Diego. Retrieved from
6 Pugliese, P. T. M.D. (2005). Advanced Professional Skin Care-Medical Edition. Topical Agent, Bernville, PA
7 Gehl, J. (2003) “Electroporation: theory and methods, perspectives for drug delivery, gene therapy and research”. Acta Physiol Scand, 2003 Aprr;177(4):437-47 Retrieved from
8 Richez, Chamay and Bieler, (1972) University of Geneva: “Bone Changes Due to Pulses of Direct Electric Microcurrent”, Virchows Arch. Abt. A Path Anat. 357, 11-18 (1972)
9 Assimacopoulos, D. (1968) “Low intensity negative electric current in the treatment of ulcers of the leg due to chronic venous insufficiency”. Preliminary report of three cases. Amern Jour of Surgery 115;5:683-7.
10 Chapman-Jones, D., Young, S., Tadjej, M. (2010) “Assessment of wound healing following electrical stimulation with
Accel-Heal®”. Wounds, UK, 2010, Vol 6 No. 3 Retrieved from
11 Tadej, M., Young, S., Hampton, S. (Sept/Oct 2010) “Accel-Heal®: A new therapy for chronic wounds”. Journal of Community Nursing, Vol 24, Issue 5 Retrieved from
12 Cheng, et al (1989). “The Effects of Electric Current on ATP Generation, Protein Synthesis, and Membrane Transport in Rat Skin”. Journal of Cellular Physiology, Vol 140, pp 379-385
13 Becker, Robert .O.MD, Seldon, G. (1985) The Body Electric: Electromagnetism And The Foundation of Life. William
Morrow & Company, New York.
14 Beck, Robert R. (1996) “Experimental in vivo blood clearing device for eliminating viruses, microbes, bacteria, fungi, and parasites”. Santa Ana, California
15 Haltiwanger, S., M.D., C.C.N. “The issue of electrotherapy for blood electrification and disease treatment”.
Retrieved from
16Stanish, W. and Gunlaughson, B. (1988) : “Electrical Energy and Soft-Tissue Injury Healing”. Sports Care and Fitness,
Sept/Oct 1988 pp 12-14
17 Wolcott, L.E. Wheeler PC, et al (1969). “Accelerated healing of skin ulcer by electrotherapy: preliminary clinical results.”
Southern Medical Journal 62 (7): 795-801.

  • Testimonials
    • I was so excited and 100% satisified after just one treatment. However, I was more excited and 150% satisified the next morning when I looked in the mirror. The results were even better than the day of the treatment.

      Carolyn Thumann
      Dallas TX

    • I’m writing to share with you how fantastic of an investment your machine has been to my business. My fiancée has worked in the restaurant industry ‘trap’ for years. We felt it was time to free her from that environment and start a new facial sculpting business inside my chiropractic center that she could run. It has been a smash hit!!!

      We launched with a very successful Spa Day and first week that absolutely filled every available appointment time we had! All in all, our Spa Day generated over $17,500! It was so fun and people absolutely love the facial sculpting experience…it is contagious and easy to show people how the results will benefit them immediately.

      We could not have achieved the successful launch of this business without help from our local trainer, Dr. Luke Mayes and his staff. I would also like to make special note that you really handle your business professionally. All products are received quickly, phone calls are returned, you even have done some very nice things for us above and beyond the purchase of our machine.

      Thank you very much for your continued support and we look forward to expanding our business with your help. We already have plans for about 3-5 more machines in the next 6-8 months!

      Love and Gratitude

      Dr. Rook Torres
      ChiroStrategy Chiropractic:
      A Creating Wellness Center
      Boise, Idaho

    • We were the first ones in St. Louis to buy the facial sculpting machine from Mike. I was so skeptical.
      But after watching Mike’s demo and seeing wrinkles fade and skin tighten in front of my own eyes,
      I am now a believer!
      Facial Sculpting tightens lifts and tones all skin types. I have performed the service on 35-60 year olds,
      Men and Women and have seen great results on everyone.
      I recommend this to anyone wanting to have the latest technology to offer their clients.
      We are having our second VIP Day June 2nd 2008!

      Elaynas For Mind Hair and Body

      Trish Zerillo, Esthetician
      St. Louis, MO

    • It was a great day at Skin Beautiful! We held our first VIP event this past weekend to introduce the facial sculpting Facial and Body Sculpting machine. Of course we worked hard to recruit those clients most likely to purchase packages, but 100% success exceeded our realistic expectation.

      Billy Nash was on hand to introduce the machine with us and was truly a marketing dynamo. His explanation of the workings of the machine and evaluation and personal package recommendation for each client was enlightening. Not only did our clients learn, so did we. We now feel well equipped to explain and answer most questions that will come our way.

      Purchasing the Facial and Body Sculpting machine has already begun to enhance our business, and we have full confidence that it won’t be long before we will need a second machine to handle all the new business.

      Much appreciation goes out to Billy Nash and to Ray Baker for their help in establishing the Facial and Body Sculpting machine as part of our business and for the accessibility to answer questions most any time.

      Mary Woltman
      Owner, Skin Beautiful
      Chico, CA

    • I just wanted you to know how much I LOVE this machine and my clients love
      as well. I actually had already purchased a microcurrent machine for a
      whole lot more money when the facial sculpting Rep called on me to sell me
      her machine. I was reluctant and she insisted facial sculpting was one of
      kind and did a demo on one side of my face and we did a demo with my machine
      on the other side. Wow, was there ever a big difference in results as well
      as I found it to be very gentle and relaxing compared to the other that
      actually hurt. Since I have purchased my facial sculpting machine my business
      has exploded so much with people wanting the treatments I have had to hire
      on a assistant. I also work in a Plastic Surgeons Office where we do a lot
      of surgeries and have found the facial sculpting to be very healing as well
      as clients are coming in on a regular basis to keep their skin tightened
      and looking their best.

      Thank-facial sculpting!!

      Kim Peters
      Lake Mary, Florida

    • Thank you for introducing me to the facial sculpting micro current machine for facial and body sculpting. Since purchasing the machine by business has grown tremendously. With almost no marketing, I was able to pay the machine off in two months. Since then, with minimal marketing efforts, I’ve increased my revenue and had to add staff. I am considering a move to a larger location! My patients who want to avoid the risks and costs of surgery or other, more invasive, alternatives to facial rejuvenation absolutely love the results! They all tell me their time during treatment is the most relaxed they feel all week and many want to hug me on their way out the door.

      As a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, I especially appreciate how the machine works by stimulating acupuncture points and meridians in the face and neck to positively affect the entire digestive system while it works to smooth and tighten the skin. We’ve noticed wonderful side effects such as resolution of headaches, clearing of sinus congestion, decrease in stress and depression and generally improved mood. This is one anti-aging treatment with side effects one can look forward to!

      Thank you again for sharing this wonderful machine with me. My patients love it, I love it, and my accountant loves it. I look forward to the purchase of a second machine in the near future!


      Kate Canfield, DOM, AP

    • My name is Dr. Luke Mayes, I am a chiropractor in Boise, Idaho. I have a thriving practice of 250 patient visits per week and I love what I do. My focus has always been to change the lives and health of the people in my community by correcting spines and letting the body function the way God designed it to, without interference. However, I have always been looking for a way to increase my revenue without a massive output of costs.

      I saw it as a way I could help people feel as good on the outside while there body was healing on the inside with chiropractic care. I first found out about Facial Sculpting and its amazing microcurrent technology, in February 2007, I still am not sure why I waited until August of 2007 to actually purchase the machine. Hindsight is 20/20 right, and if wishes were fishes I would have had one heck of a financial feast by now. Let me explain.

      I hired Cathy Bellmore to come to my office, train my staff and orchestrate my “Grand Opening” Spa Day event. She was awesome! Having a trained technician in addition to my staff, meant that I could have more clients there to demo the on. I had scheduled 65 people for demos prior to our “Spa Day,” both patients and prospective patients. There was allot of preparation but the payoff was well worth it. Every one of our clients loved the results, even after one ½ hour session! So It was so easy to sale the care to our patients, they were excited about what they were buying. All I did was ask them which package they wanted to purchase.

      I also new that I needed a way to help some of our patients finance there sessions, I did not want our office to be a bank. So I contacted Care Credit – (800) 859-9975. This gave our patients a way to pay for there treatments if they did not have the money upfront to pay for it immediately following there demo. By using Care Credit I more than doubled the sales I would otherwise have had on our “Spa Day”.

      It all paid off, in a very BIG way. I had over $14,000.00 in sales in ONE DAY!

      We are less stressed, and it was so easy to incorporate and use. My wife is happier and more content, she does not have to worry if this insurance or that insurance has paid us or not. Because Facial Sculpting generates CASH SALES! No more waiting for insurance companies to pay us. I even have new patients coming into our office, and signing up for chiropractic care, just because they came in for a FREE Demo.

      Thanks Again. You have an amazing product. I wish I had done this a long time ago.

      Dr. Luke C. Mayes
      One Overly Satisfied Customer!

    • I have used other Micro-current machines before but with facial sculpting I have received the fastest most dramatic results.
      I have seen great results in Skin Tone, Elasticity and Texture. Deep follicular congestion is resolved. Hooded eyes are totally lifted. My clients comment on how clear their sinuses are since they started their treatments.

      As an Esthetician I can use facial sculpting machine with grace and ease. I don’t feel exhausted at the end of the day like I did with the other machines I have used.

      My VIP Day has taken my business to a new level beyond my dreams. My clients loved Mike and Dora and felt very safe and at ease with them. VIP Day is a must for anyone buying the facial sculpting machine. I have already scheduled my second event for June. These events are Fun and exciting! We signed up 10 out of 13 clients in 5 hours!

      Joni Cygan
      Joni’s Skin Essentials
      208 E. Mill St.
      Waterloo, IL 62298

    • I was scheduled to go in for The Lifestyle Lift. Thank Goodness Mike contacted me about
      facial sculpting! I have had huge results with 5 treatments with no pain or down time.

      Our VIP Day with facial sculpting was a huge success. We signed up 7 out of 10 clients
      and that was in 5 hours!

      This has been a very easy service to sell.

      Wayne Harden
      Fidgetts Salon and Spa
      Park Hills, MO

    • This is my secret anti-aging weapon that I can no longer keep
      secret! I’ve had 20 treatments and my skin is remarkable! My girlfriends
      and acquaintances ask if I’ve had a face lift; everyone thinks I’m 35 (and
      I’m 47!); 20-something guys keep asking me out and I have never looked
      better in my life!

      I’m not sure which is better, the enjoyably relaxing procedure I receive
      each week or the radiant results reflected in my beautiful face! Thank you
      for making this process affordable, non-invasive and fun!


      Amy Armstrong
      PR Partner

      Armstrong Troyky Public Relations & Advertising
      301 E. Bethany Home Rd. C-186
      Phoenix, AZ 85012
      602-476-2382 o.
      602-625-5255 m.

    • We just hosted our very first VIP Event last weekend. I have to say – our results were nothing short of fantastic. We collected a total of $12,238. We closed out packages with 90% of the clients at the event and one of those we didn’t close then went ahead and contacted us the following week.

      During the VIP Event, we received expert care and instruction in every phase with the Facial Sculpting Device. Mr. Billy Nash led by example and delivered on every point. By the end of the first shift we all had confidence that we had made the right decision bringing this into our business.

      From the moment the clients walked in the door, up until they walked out with smiles on their faces, Mr. Nash did an awesome job of helping us consult, treat and then re-evaluate and close each person. The event was lots of fun, especially when seeing the “WOW” effect it had on everybody after just one session. Our entire staff feels completely comfortable and we are very confident in the success we will have with it.

      Best regards,

      Dr. Tony Klatt D.C.
      Hartwell Chiropractic Clinic

    • Just a quick note to share with you how great it’s going as I celebrate 1-year in my office, specializing in the Microcurrent Facial and Body Sculpting. As you know, I did a VIP Event in February 2007, out of my home, and did more than enough business in 2-days to pay my for my BI 900, and move into a new office… what a wonderful way to jump-start my new business!

      I continue to be amazed at the incredible results my clients get – even in their first session! As you know, for over 14-years, I have been dedicated to helping people to optimize their performance by mastering stress. However, I found that unless they had a crisis in their lives, most people were not willing to invest their time, or money, into living a more stress-free life.

      But I have found they are willing to invest their time and money into looking and feeling younger – let’s face it, just because we’re getting older, doesn’t mean we want to look older! Since the treatments are so relaxing and work on so many different levels, my clients don’t just look better, they feel better too!

      I love being able to help my clients look years younger, and reduce their stress at the same time – helping them to live happier, healthier lives… now that is definitely a WIN-WIN Deal if I ever saw one!

      I am excited about your new marketing support programs, and I look forward to an even better year in 2008!

      Thanks again for all your help and support!

      Best Regards,

      John Petri
      Board Certified Alphabioticist
      Phoenix, AZ

    • I purchased my machine from Cathy in August. I can honestly say that purchase was the best decision I’ve made for my practice. With the recommendation of an Open House party to introduce the machine, it was paid for that first day. The revenue facial sculpting generates continues to increase. My office is currently hosting B.I. parties because of the high numbers of interested clients. This machine can generate income and increase profits quickly.

      There are those clients who simply want to look their best, and others that truly need help. This machine will turn back the hands of time. It has even helped one client correct a surgical error. Client compliance is 100% because the treatment is pleasant, relaxing, and successful.

      In addition, my office is experiencing a crossover. Clients coming in for their B.I. treatments have become new patients in my wellness clinic thereby increasing income in another area of business.

      I am extremely happy to have purchased my facial and body sculpting machine. It has added a wonderful and enjoyable dimension to my practice.


      Dr. Nancy J. Carini

    • As a Day Spa & Salon owner I look for products, goods and services that
      bring exceptional value to my clients. This machine is incredible! The
      results my clients have seen are amazing. They love the results. I love the
      additional revenue this has brought to my Spa.

      Brenda Fisher
      Day Spa & Salon Owner

    • I had ordered my first Facial Sculpting machine, “sight unseen.” I did my “due diligence” and was quite comfortable with the decision to order one. The professional staff was most friendly and made the “Demos” go very smooth. The assistance provided with planning and training made the first VIP Event a hit! It laid the groundwork to build my business. I will be doing many more in the future.

      Dr. Paula Weihler, D.C. (Illinois)

    • Other body treatments seemed to mainly treat cellulite, got minimal results, and involved risk or pain. Facial Sculpting™ does so much more without risk, and was as relaxing as a full body massage

    • No matter how much I excercised, I had flabby areas on my stomach that just wouldn’t go away. I saw Microcurrent body sculpting on the news and tried it with much skepticism. As crazy as it seems, this really works, and I can measure the change in inches

    • In all honesty, I didn’t believe your body photos were authentic, until I tried this myself. After three Microcurrent Body Sculpting sessions, my stomach looks amazing. I am excited more and more with each treatment and can’t wait to finish. This is the real deal!

    • I was getting Microcurrent Facials when I lived in Germany. I moved to the U.S. and found Facial Sculpting and I can tell you it’s better than anything I was getting before. The results are truly faster and longer lasting than anything else.

    • I couldn’t wait to finish my face, so I could start on my body. I haven’t been this firm and lifted since I was in college and that was 22 years ago

    • I saw enough results after one treatment with the Facial Sculpting that I knew I wanted to do this. Now I look at least 10 years younger after only 90 days–what an investment!

    • Microcurrent Facial and Body Sculpting? Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. No more painful, invasive, risky cosmetic procedures for me–I love it!!

    • Everyone is skeptical about this “Microcurrent Facelift” because it sounds too good to be true, but everyone I know who actually tries it becomes a believer, including me, and I am the biggest skeptic about everything. All I can say is try it for yourself.

    • I couldn’t believe the results when I looked in the mirror. I was just shocked! It gives your face a lift without surgery. If you have it done once, you’ll see immediate change. A ton of Channel 8 viewers gave it a try–I did too and thought it worked!!!

    • I thought my friend was crazy when she told me about Facial & Body Sculpting™, but as she began to look younger–not to mention happier–I had to try it myself. Now I’m on my 6th session and I’m already amazed at the results!

    • I couldn’t wait to finish my face, so I could start on my body. I haven’t been this firm and little since I was in college and that was 22 years ago.