Dr. Nancy Carini

I purchased my machine from Cathy in August. I can honestly say that purchase was the best decision I’ve made for my practice. With the recommendation of an Open House party to introduce the machine, it was paid for that first day. The revenue facial sculpting generates continues to increase. My office is currently hosting B.I. parties because of the high numbers of interested clients. This machine can generate income and increase profits quickly.

There are those clients who simply want to look their best, and others that truly need help. This machine will turn back the hands of time. It has even helped one client correct a surgical error. Client compliance is 100% because the treatment is pleasant, relaxing, and successful.

In addition, my office is experiencing a crossover. Clients coming in for their B.I. treatments have become new patients in my wellness clinic thereby increasing income in another area of business.

I am extremely happy to have purchased my facial and body sculpting machine. It has added a wonderful and enjoyable dimension to my practice.


Dr. Nancy J. Carini